
英 [ˈdʒuː.nɪ.pər]      美 [ˈdʒuː.nə.pɚ]
  • n. 杜松;桧或刺柏属植物;(美)桧状植物(多用于装饰)
  • n. (Juniper)人名;(英)朱尼珀
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juniper 刺柏

来自拉丁语iuniperus, 可能来自iunco,芦苇,词源同junk,junket.用于指一种常绿灌木,即刺柏。

juniper (n.)
"evergreen shrub," late 14c., from Latin iuniperus (source of French genièvre, Spanish enebro, Portuguese zimbro, Italian ginepro), of uncertain origin, perhaps related to iunco "reed." Watkins has it from PIE *yoini-paros "bearing juniper berries," from *yoi-ni- "juniper berry." Applied to various North American species from 1748. In the Bible, it renders Hebrew rethem, the name of a white-flowered shrub unrelated to the European evergreen.
1. A jay emerged from the juniper bush in a flash of blue feathers.
2. Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, juniper, etc.
针叶类树包括松树 、 杉树 、 云杉 、 红木 、 刺柏, 等等.
3. Mr Walsh planted a juniper tree in memory of his wife.
4. Observation on Roots and Experiment on Root Cutting for Juniper.
5. Rosemary, Basil, Juniper , Wheat Gem Oil Refined and so on.
迷迭香 、 罗勒 、 杜松 、 小麦胚芽油等.


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