
英 [həʊl]      美 [hoʊl]
  • n. 洞,孔;洞穴,穴;突破口
  • vi. 凿洞,穿孔;(高尔夫球等)进洞
  • vt. 凿洞
  • n. (Hole)人名;(瑞典、挪)霍勒;(英)霍尔
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hole 孔,洞


hole: [OE] Etymologically, a hole is a ‘hollow’ place. It originated as a noun use of the Old English adjective hol ‘hollow’ which, together with German hohl, Dutch hol, and Danish hul, all meaning ‘hollow’, goes back to a prehistoric German *khulaz. The source of this is disputed, but it may be related to Indo-European *kel- ‘cover, hide’ (source of English apocalypse, cell, cellar, conceal, hall, hell, helmet, hull ‘pod’, and occult). The semantic connection is presumably that a place that is ‘deep’ or ‘hollowed out’ is also ‘hidden’.
=> apocalypse, cell, conceal, hall, hell, helmet, occult
hole (n.)
Old English hol "orifice, hollow place, cave, perforation," from Proto-Germanic *hul (cognates: Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old High German hol, Middle Dutch hool, Old Norse holr, German hohl "hollow," Gothic us-hulon "to hollow out"), from PIE root *kel- (2) "to cover, conceal" (see cell).

As a contemptuous word for "small dingy lodging or abode" it is attested from 1610s. Meaning "a fix, scrape, mess" is from 1760. Obscene slang use for "vulva" is implied from mid-14c. Hole in the wall "small and unpretentious place" is from 1822; to hole up first recorded 1875. To need (something) like a hole in the head, applied to something useless or detrimental, first recorded 1944 in entertainment publications, probably a translation of a Yiddish expression such as ich darf es vi a loch in kop.
hole (v.)
"to make a hole," Old English holian "to hollow out, scoop out" (see hole (n.)). Related: Holed; holing.
1. He admitted that the government was in "a dreadful hole".
2. Dig a largish hole and bang the stake in first.
3. A plug had been inserted in the drill hole.
4. To avoid damaging the tree, hammer a wooden peg into the hole.
5. Our superior technology is our ace in the hole.


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