
英 [ˈɡreɪ.vi]      美 [ˈɡreɪ.vi]
  • n. 肉汁;不法利润;轻易得来的钱
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gravy 肉汁

来自古法语grane, 沙司,炖汁,来自grain, 颗粒。即肉汁,形成颗粒条纹的汤汁。俚语义,美差。字母u, n拼写变化比较spouse, sponsor,同时在过去很长一段时间字母u,v拼写没有严格的区分。

gravy: [14] To begin with, the word gravy signified a sort of spiced stock-based sauce served with white meat; it was not until the 16th century that its modern sense ‘meat juices’ or ‘sauce made from them’ emerged. Its origins are problematical. It is generally agreed that its v represents a misreading of an n in the Old French word, grané, from which it was borrowed (modern v was written u in medieval manuscripts, and was often very hard to distinguish from n); but what the source of grané was is not clear.

The favourite candidate is perhaps grain (source of English grain), as if ‘sauce flavoured with grains of spice’, but graine ‘meat’ has also been suggested.

=> grain
gravy (n.)
late 14c. (early 14c. in Anglo-French), from Old French grave, graue, apparently a misspelling of grané "sauce, stew," with -n- misread for -u- -- the character used for -v- in medial positions in words in medieval manuscripts. The French word probably originally meant "properly grained, seasoned," from Latin granum "grain, seed" (see grain (n.)). Meaning "money easily acquired" first attested 1910; gravy train (1909) originally was railroad slang for a short haul that paid well. Gravy-boat "small, deep dish for holding gravy or sauce" is from 1827.
1. There was a smear of gravy on his chin.
2. I always spatter my blouse with gravy when I eat.
3. Prepare the gravy mixture.
4. You have spilled gravy on the tablecloth.
5. We were disgusted when bosses awarded themselves a massive pay rise. How can they get on the gravy train, but ask us to take a wage freeze?



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