
英 [ɡɔːdʒ]      美 [ɡɔːrdʒ]
  • n. 峡谷;胃;暴食;咽喉;障碍物
  • vt. 使吃饱;吞下;使扩张
  • vi. 拚命吃;狼吞虎咽
  • n. (Gorge)人名;(西)戈赫;(法)戈尔热
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1. voracity => vor- "swallow, devour" => gorge (reduplicated form).
2. 谐音“嗝急”------吃得太多,不断地打嗝。
3. gourmand, gourmet, gourmandise => gormandize => gorge.
4. 谐音“糕饥”-----因为太饥饿了,所以狼吞虎咽地吃糕点来充饥。
5. 谐音“果饥”----果饥,其实就是果腹嘛,狼吞虎咽地吃些东西来果腹。
6. 三峡大坝: Three Gorges Dam.
7. 长江三峡 Three Gorges, The Yangtze Three Gorges.
8. gorge => garg-, gurg-, gorg- "throat, , waterspout from throat" (originated as an imitation of throat sounds, imitative of throat sounds.) => gorge.
9. 谐音“搞基”-----有两个基佬在峡谷下面搞基,为什么要在峡谷下面搞呢,因为怕被人发现。
gorge 峡谷

来自PIE*gwere, 喉咙,吞没,拟声词,词源同vorocity. 引申义峡谷。比较gulch.

gorge: [14] Gorge originally meant ‘throat’; the metaphorical extension to ‘rocky ravine’ did not really take place until the mid 18th century (the semantic connection was presumably ‘narrow opening between which things pass’). The word was borrowed from Old French gorge ‘throat’, which goes back via Vulgar Latin *gurga to Latin gurges ‘whirlpool’ from which English gets regurgitate [17]. The superficially similar gorgeous [15], incidentally, is not related. It was adapted from Old French gorgias ‘fine, elegant’, but no one knows where that came from.
=> regurgitate
gorge (n.)
mid-14c., "throat," from Old French gorge "throat; a narrow passage" (12c.), from Late Latin gurges "gullet, throat, jaws," also "gulf, whirlpool," which probably is related to Latin gurgulio "gullet, windpipe," from a reduplicated form of PIE *gwere- (4) "to swallow" (see voracity). Transferred sense of "deep, narrow valley" was in Old French. From 1520s as "what has been swallowed," hence in figurative phrases indicating nauseating disgust.
gorge (v.)
c. 1300, "eat greedily, swallow by gulps," from Old French gorgier "to swallow" (13c.), from gorge "throat" (see gorge (n.)). Transitive sense from late 15c. Related: Gorged; gorging.
1. The south side of the gorge is now clothed in trees.
2. Wind was funnelling through the gorge.
3. My gorge rose at the sight.
4. East of the gorge leveled out.
5. My gorge [ stomach ] rises at it.
我一看见这东西就 恶心.


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