
英 [ˈɡɔː.di]      美 [ˈɡɑː.di]
  • adj. 华而不实的;俗丽的
  • n. 盛大宴会
  • n. (Gaudy)人名;(法)戈迪
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gaudy 俗艳的

来自PIE*gau, 欢乐,词源同joy, jewel. 引申义带来欢乐的珠宝,装饰品。词义进一步贬义化,俗艳的,花里胡哨的。

gaudy: [16] Middle English had a colour term gaudy-green ‘yellowish-green’, which originally denoted ‘green produced by dye obtained from the plant dyer’s rocket, Reseda luteola’, a plant formerly known as weld [14]. The word weld came from a Germanic source which, borrowed into Old French, produced gaude – whence English gaudy-green. It has been claimed that this gaudy soon lost its literal meaning ‘produced from weld-dye’, and came to be interpreted as ‘bright’.

Other etymologists, however, favour the explanation that gaudy comes from gaud ‘joke, plaything’ [14], which was adapted from Old French gaudir ‘rejoice’, a descendant of Latin gaudēre ‘delight in’ (from which English gets joy).

gaudy (adj.)
"showy, tastelessly rich," c. 1600; earlier "joyfully festive" (1580s), probably a re-adjectivizing of gaudy (n.) "large, ornamental bead in a rosary" (early 14c.) via the noun gaud + -y (2.). In early Modern English it also could mean "full of trickery" (1520s).

Or possibly the adjective is from or influenced by Middle English noun gaudegrene (early 14c.), name of a yellowish-green color or pigment, originally of dye obtained from the weld plant (see weld (n.1)). This Germanic plant-name became gaude in Old French, and thus the Middle English word. Under this theory, the sense shifted from "weld-dye" to "bright ornamentation."

As a noun, "feast, festival" 1650s, from gaudy day "day of rejoicing" (1560s).
1. She was tricked out in gaudy dress.
2. Gone are the support suspenders and gaudy steel rings that strangled the tower for much of the last decade.
3. His only peculiarity , was a habit of wearing impossibly gaudy neckties.
4. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.
5. She wore a gaudy costume to the party.


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