
英 [ɡæp]      美 [ɡæp]
  • n. 间隙;缺口;空白
  • vi. 裂开
  • vt. 使成缺口
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1. PIE base *ghai- / *ghi- "yawn, gape" => chasm (from Greek khaskein / khainein "yawn, gape").
2. PIE base *ghai- / *ghi- "yawn, gape" => hiatus (from Latin hiare "yawn, gape").
3. PIE base *ghai- / *ghi- "yawn, gape" => gap, gape, yawn.
gap 缺口

来自PIE*ghai, 打呵欠,张口,词源同gape, yawn.

gap (n.)
early 14c., "an opening in a wall or hedge; a break, a breach," mid-13c. in place names, from Old Norse gap "chasm, empty space," related to gapa "to gape, open the mouth wide," common Proto-Germanic (cognates: Middle Dutch, Dutch gapen, German gaffen "to gape, stare," Swedish gapa, Danish gabe), from PIE *ghai- "to yawn, gape" (see yawn (v.)). From late 14c. as "a break or opening between mountains;" broader sense "unfilled space or interval, any hiatus or interruption" is from c. 1600. In U.S., common in place names in reference to a deep break or pass in a long mountain chain (especially one that water flows through), a feature in the middle Appalachians.
gap (v.)
1847, "to make gaps" (transitive); 1948 "to have gaps" (intransitive), from gap (n.). Related: Gapped; gapping.
1. Like a good businessman, Stewart identified a gap in the market.
2. By 1973, this gap had narrowed almost to vanishing point.
3. There is a credibility gap developing between employers and employees.
4. Britain needs to bridge the technology gap between academia and industry.
5. Leave a gap at the top and bottom so air can circulate.


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