
英 [fʌŋk]      美 [fʌŋk]
  • n. 恐惧;怯懦;恐怖;臭味
  • vt. 害怕;畏缩;使闻到臭味
  • vi. 惊恐;畏缩;发出臭味
  • n. (Funk)人名;(瑞典、德、罗、匈、捷)丰克;(英)芬克
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2. fume => fumigation => fumig- => funk (经古法语变体而来).
3. 疯克乐:由于疯克乐最先是由黑人兴起的,带有强烈的乡土气息,而 funky 曾被用来表示黑人身上特有的那种体臭。很可能疯克乐就是由此取名而来的。funky => funk.
funk 恶臭,恐慌,懦夫,放克音乐

来自拉丁语fumigare, 烟熏,臭气,难闻,词源同fumigate. 该词最初是白人用来指黑人身上的味道。后来黑人音乐家用该词来形容他们的爵士风格,随着爵士乐的流行,逐渐赋予该词更多的褒义色彩。恐慌,懦夫义据说来自牛津大学俚语,来自难闻的烟臭味。

funk (n.1)
"depression, ill-humor," perhaps from earlier sense "cowering state of fear" (1743), identified in OED as originally Oxford slang, probably from Scottish and Northern English verb funk "become afraid, shrink through fear, fail through panic," (1737), of unknown origin. Perhaps from Flemish fonck "perturbation, agitation, distress," which is possibly related to Old French funicle "wild, mad."
funk (n.2)
"bad smell," 1620s, probably from the verb funk in the sense "blow smoke upon; stifle with offensive vapor" (though this is not recorded until later 17c.). It is from dialectal French funkière "to smoke," from Old French fungier "give off smoke; fill with smoke," from Latin fumigare "to smoke" (see fume (n.)).

Not considered to be related to obsolete funk (n.) "a spark," mid-14c., fonke, a general Germanic word (compare Dutch vonk, Old High German funcho, German Funke. The Middle English word is probably from Low German or from an unrecorded Old English form.

In reference to a style of music felt to have a strong, earthy quality, it is attested by 1959, a back-formation from funky (q.v.).
1. He was in a blue funk! Worse than me!
2. My face went crimson (which it does out of sheer funk).
3. Out of sheer funk he had not gone to the party.
4. It isn't a natural thing for a boy to funk water.
5. Their version of jazz funk is a pale imitation of the real thing.


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