
英 [ˈfɔː.kɑːst]      美 [ˈfɔːr.kæst]
  • vt. 预报,预测;预示
  • n. 预测,预报;预想
  • vi. 进行预报,作预测
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forecast 预测

fore-,在前。cast, 投射。用于天气预报。

forecast (v.)
late 14c., "to scheme," from fore- "before" + casten in the sense of "contrive, plan, prepare" (late 14c.; see cast (v.)). Meaning "predict events" first attested late 15c. (cast (v.) "to perceive, notice" is from late 14c.). Related: Forecasting.
Whether we are to say forecast or forecasted in the past tense & participle depends on whether we regard the verb or the noun as the original from which the other is formed; ... The verb is in fact recorded 150 years earlier than the noun, & we may therefore thankfully rid ourselves of the ugly forecasted; it may be hoped that we should do so even if history were against us, but this time it is kind. [Fowler, 1926]
forecast (n.)
early 15c., "forethought, prudence," probably from forecast (v.). Meaning "conjectured estimate of a future course" is from 1670s. A Middle English word for weather forecasting was aeromancy.
1. The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies.
2. Our forecast for 1990 was on the right lines.
3. Many traders forecast a continuation of the market's recent bearish trend.
4. There was considerable scepticism about the Chancellor's forecast of a booming economy.
5. The study also forecast an explosion in the diet soft-drink market.


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