
英 [fɒnd]      美 [fɑːnd]
  • adj. 喜欢的;温柔的;宠爱的
  • n. (Fond)人名;(法)丰;(瑞典)丰德
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1. 谐音“芳的”-----芳心于什么什么的、对什么什么充满芳心的。
2. fun => fond.
3. 谐音“方德”------方德喜欢苗翠花。
fond 喜爱,溺爱

来自古英语fon, 傻,简单,词源同fun. 词义由傻引申为发狂,喜爱,溺爱等。类似词义演变比较infatuation.

fond: [14] Fond originally meant ‘foolish’, and the likeliest explanation of its rather problematic origin is that it was a derivative of the Middle English noun fon ‘fool’ (its Middle English spelling fonned suggests that it was formed with the suffix -ed, just as wretched was formed from wretch). However, where fon (probably a relative of modern English fun) comes from is another matter.

Links with Swedish fåne ‘fool’ have been suggested but never established for certain. The adjective’s modern meaning ‘having a great liking’, incidentally, developed in the 16th century via an intermediate ‘foolishly doting’. Fondle [17] is a back-formation from the now obsolete fondling ‘foolish person’, a derivative of fond.

=> fondle, fun
fond (adj.)
late 14c., "deranged, insane;" also "foolish, silly, unwise," from fonned, past participle adjective from obsolete verb fon, fonne (Middle English fonnen) "be foolish, be simple," from Middle English fonne "a fool, stupid person" (early 14c.), which is of uncertain origin but perhaps from Scandinavian. Related: Fonder; fondest.

Meaning evolved via "foolishly tender" to "having strong affections for" (by 1570s). Another sense of the verb fon was "to lose savor" (late 14c. in Middle English past participle fonnyd), which may be the original meaning of the word:
Gif þe salt be fonnyd it is not worþi [Wyclif, Matt. v:13, c. 1380]
1. He seemed fond of her in a strictly professional way.
2. I'm very fond of Maurice and I'd make him a good wife.
3. She was especially fond of a little girl named Betsy.
4. She had become so fond of him, almost against her better judgement.
5. My fond hope is that we will be ready by Christmastime.


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