
英 [flɪp]      美 [flɪp]
  • vt. 掷;轻击
  • vi. 用指轻弹;蹦跳
  • adj. 无礼的;轻率的
  • n. 弹;筋斗
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1. imitative or else a contraction of fillip, which also is held to be imitative.
2. Meaning "to flip a coin" (to decide something) is by 1879.
3. => 轻弹、轻打、轻击、轻抛。
4. => 快速地翻转、翻动、翻阅、以及各种快速的动。
5. => 精神失常、失去理智、发疯、发狂、变得狂热、欣喜若狂。
6. => 饮料酒、混合甜酒。
7. => 无礼的、轻率的、油腔滑调的。
8. flip the page to …
9. 谐音“非礼拍”-----没有礼貌地拍她。
flip 快速翻转,翻动,轻率的,鲁莽的

来自辅音丛bl, fl, 折腾,拍打,拟声词,词源同flap, flag,flick. 引申各相关词义。

flip (v.)
1590s "to fillip, to toss with the thumb," imitative, or perhaps a thinned form of flap, or else a contraction of fillip (q.v.), which also is held to be imitative. Meaning "toss as though with the thumb" is from 1610s. Meaning "to flip a coin" (to decide something) is by 1879. Sense of "get excited" is first recorded 1950; flip (one's) lid "lose one's head, go wild" is from 1949, American English; variant flip (one's) wig attested by 1952, but the image turns up earlier in popular record reviews ["Talking Boogie. Not quite as wig-flipping as reverse side--but a wig-flipper" Billboard, Sept. 17, 1949]. Related: Flipped. Flipping (adj.) as euphemism for fucking is British slang first recorded 1911 in D.H. Lawrence. Flip side (of a gramophone record) is by 1949.
flip (n.2)
sailors' hot drink usually containing beer, brandy and sugar, 1690s, from flip (v.); so called from notion of it being "whipped up" or beaten.
flip (adj.)
"talkative and disrespectfully smart," see flippant.
flip (n.1)
1690s, "a flick, a snap;" see flip (v.). In reference to an overturning of the body, probably short for flip-flap (see flip-flop) "somersault in which the performer throws himself over on hands and feet alternately," 1670s, originally a move in (male) dancing.
1. The tone of the book is sometimes too flip.
2. The trade deficit is the flip side of a rapidly expanding economy.
3. He didn't flip on the headlights until he was two blocks away.
4. The President's flip-flops on taxes made him appear indecisive.
5. He has been criticized for flip-flopping on several key issues.


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