
英 [flɪŋ]      美 [flɪŋ]
  • vt. 掷,抛;嘲笑;使陷入;轻蔑地投射;猛动
  • n. 掷,抛;嘲弄;急冲
  • vi. 猛冲,急行
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1. 顺治皇帝“福临”小时候以扔石头为乐、小时候最爱玩儿扔石头了。
fling 扔,抛

词源不确定。可能来自PIE*plak, 击,打,词源同plague, plangent.引申词义投掷,扔,抛。

fling (v.)
c. 1300, "to dash, run, rush," probably from or related to Old Norse flengja "to flog," which is of uncertain origin, perhaps from Proto-Germanic *flang- (cognates: Old Swedish flenga "strike," Danish flænge "slash, gash"), from a nasalized variant of PIE *plak- (2) "to strike" (see plague (n.)). Meaning "to throw, cast, hurl" is from mid-14c. An obsolete word for "streetwalker, harlot" was fling-stink (1670s). Related: Flung; flinging, but in Middle English with past tense flang, past participle flungen.
fling (n.)
early 14c., "attempt, attack," (in phrase make a fling), from fling (v.). Hence have a fling at, etc. "make a try." From 1560s as "a wild dash, an excited kicking up." Sense of "period of indulgence on the eve of responsibilities" first attested 1827. Meaning "vigorous dance" (associated with the Scottish Highlands) is from 1804.
1. She claims she had a brief fling with him 30 years ago.
2. I can fling off a poem in half an hour.
3. It's good to fling off heavy clothing now that spring is here.
4. Don't fling your clothes into the drawer, put them in neatly.
不要把你的衣服随便往抽屉里一扔, 把它们整齐地放在里面.
5. Before you fling off a remark like that, think what you're saying.
在你漫不经心地说这种话之前, 应先考虑考虑要说些什么.


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