
英 [ˈfaɪ.bər]      美 [ˈfaɪ.bɚ]
  • n. 纤维;光纤(等于fibre)
  • n. (Fiber)人名;(匈)菲贝尔
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fiber 纤维

来自拉丁语fibra, 线,纤维,进一步来自拉丁语filum, 线,词源同file. -bra, 工具格后缀,词源同vertebra, fibula.

fiber (n.)
late 14c., fibre "a lobe of the liver," also "entrails," from Medieval Latin fibre, from Latin fibra "a fiber, filament; entrails," which is of uncertain origin, perhaps related to Latin filum "a thread, string" (see file (n.1)) or from root of findere "to split" (see fissure).

Meaning "thread-like structure in animal bodies" is from c. 1600 (in plants, 1660s); hence figurative use in reference to force or toughness (1630s). As "textile material," 1827. Fiberboard is from 1897; Fiberglas is attested from 1937, U.S. registered trademark name; in generic use, with lower-case f- and double -s, by 1941. Fiber optics is from 1956.
1. The muscle fiber of this animal is diseased.
2. Using optical Fiber - Bus network, enhances the Bus network antijamming ability, guarantees the CAN network normal operation.
采用光纤CAN( Fiber-CAN)总线网络, 提高CAN总线 网络抗干扰能力, 保证CAN网络正常运行.
3. Eating cereals and fruit will give you plenty of fiber in your diet.
4. Rayon rank second only to cotton as the most widely used fiber.
5. Air-entraining agent increases impermeability of hybrid fiber concrete.



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