
英 [ˈek.sɪ.kjuːt]      美 [ˈek.sə.kjuːt]
  • vt. 实行;执行;处死
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execute 执行

ex-, 向外。-sec, 跟随,相接,词源同sequence, prosecute. 即一步接一步的执行。

execute: [14] The original meaning of execute in English was ‘carry out’, but the sense ‘kill judicially’ had already developed by the end of the 15th century (it comes from the notion of ‘carrying out’ a sentence). The word comes via Old French executer from medieval Latin executāre, a derivative of Latin exsequī. This, a compound formed from the intensive prefix exand sequī ‘follow’ (source of English consecutive, consequent, obsequious, sequence, subsequent, etc), meant originally ‘follow to the end, pursue’, and hence ‘follow through, carry out, fulfil’.

Its derivative exsequiās ‘funeral procession’ produced English exequies [14].

=> consecutive, consequent, obsequious, sequence, subsequent
execute (v.)
late 14c. "to carry into effect" (transitive, mostly in law with reference to warrants, sentences, etc.), also "carry out or accomplish a course of action" (intransitive), from Old French executer (14c.), from Medieval Latin executare, from Latin execut-/exsecut-, past participle stem of exequi/exsequi "to follow out, to follow to the grave," figuratively "to follow, follow after, accompany, follow up, prosecute, carry out, enforce; execute, accomplish; punish, avenge," from ex- "out" (see ex-) + sequi "follow" (see sequel). Meaning "to inflict capital punishment" is from late 15c., from earlier legal sense "perform judgment or sentence on" (early 15c.). Related: Executed; executing.
1. Make sure that you execute all movements smoothly and without jerking.
2. The Windows allows a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.
3. The Windows allow a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.
4. Some candy ass architectures won't allow EXECUTE instructions to address another EXECUTE instruction the target instruction.
有些编译器不允许EXECUTE指令象对目标指令那样对另一个EXECUTE指令 寻址.
5. Never once did I doubt that I would be able to execute my plan.


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