
英 [esˈpaʊz]      美 [esˈpaʊz]
  • vt. 支持;嫁娶;赞成;信奉
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espouse 支持

e-, 缓音字母。spouse, 配偶。比喻义相互扶持,相互支持。

espouse: [15] Etymologically, to espouse something is the same as to sponsor it. Both words go back ultimately to Latin spondēre ‘promise solemnly’. From it developed late Latin spōnsāre, which produced Old French espouser, source of the English verb. It originally meant ‘promise to marry’, but this particular semantic strand has survived only in the related noun spouse, and by the 17th century the now familiar metaphorical sense ‘adopt and support a cause’ had developed.
=> sponsor, spouse
espouse (v.)
mid-15c., "to take as spouse, marry," from Old French espouser "marry, take in marriage, join in marriage" (11c., Modern French épouser), from Latin sponsare, past participle of spondere "make an offering, perform a rite, promise secretly," hence "to engage oneself by ritual act" (see spondee). Extended sense of "adopt, embrace" a cause, party, etc., is from 1620s. Related: Espoused; espouses; espousing. For initial e-, see e-.
1. Some teachers enthusiastically espouse the benefits to be gained from educational software.
2. People shelve the out - of - fashion moral icon and espouse the philosophy of egoism.
3. Today, astronomers espouse the theory that comets spawn the swarms.
如今, 天文学家们支持彗星产生了流星团的说法.
4. The army accuses the former separatists'party , Partai Aceh, of continuing to espouse independence.
军队指控原分离主义政党,亚齐党, 继续支持亚齐独立.
5. But they, too, have been disrupted, and moderates are turning on those who espouse violence.
但他们, 同样, 被打乱了, 和减轻转动在那些拥护暴力.


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