
英 [ˈiː.zəl]      美 [ˈiː.zəl]
  • n. 画架;黑板架
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1. ass (Latin asinus "ass") => easel. 但是拼法上受到了 ease 的影响。
2. The notion of loading a painting or canvas on to a wooden stand, much like as a burden is loaded on to a donkey, is echoed in the use of clotheshorse for a stand for hanging clothes on to dry or air (cf. sawhorse).
easel 画架

来自拉丁词asinus, 驴,见ass. 拼写受ease影响。在英语常见于用动物来代替某些具体物件名,比较sawhorse, 锯木架。

easel: [17] Easel was borrowed from Dutch ezel, which means literally ‘donkey’ (it is related to English ass). The notion of loading a painting on to a stand, much as a burden is loaded on to a donkey, is echoed in the use of clotheshorse for a stand for hanging clothes on to dry or air.
=> ass
easel (n.)
1590s, from Dutch ezel "easel," originally "ass," from Middle Dutch esel, from Latin asinus "ass" (see ass (n.1)); the comparison being of loading a burden on a donkey and propping up a painting or canvas on a wooden stand (compare sawhorse, French chevalet, Italian cavalletto).
1. This is a well designed easel which folds up quickly and neatly.
2. He went round from easel to easel.
3. I took it from the easel and held it up to the windows.
4. In the good weather there was always an artist with his easel.
5. In the good weather there was always an artist easel.


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