
英 [ˈkaʊ.əd]      美 [ˈkaʊ.ɚd]
  • n. 懦夫,懦弱的人
  • adj. 胆小的,懦怯的
  • n. (Coward)人名;(英)科沃德
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coward 胆小鬼

来自拉丁词cauda, 尾巴,词源同coda, queue. 原指动物夹着尾巴逃走,后指人胆小。

coward: [13] Etymologically, a coward seems to be ‘someone who runs away with his tail between his legs’. It comes from Old French cuard, which was based on *cōda, the Vulgar Latin descendant of Latin cauda ‘tail’. (The apparently similar cower [13] is no relation, coming from Middle Low German *kūren ‘lie in wait’.)
coward (n.)
mid-13c., from Old French coart "coward" (no longer the usual word in French, which has now in this sense poltron, from Italian, and lâche), from coe "tail," from Latin coda, popular dialect variant of cauda "tail," which is of uncertain origin + -ard, an agent noun suffix denoting one that carries on some action or possesses some quality, with derogatory connotation (see -ard).

The word probably reflects an animal metaphoric sense still found in expressions like turning tail and tail between legs. Coart was the name of the hare in Old French versions of "Reynard the Fox." Italian codardo, Spanish cobarde are from French.
The identification of coward & bully has gone so far in the popular consciousness that persons & acts in which no trace of fear is to be found are often called coward(ly) merely because advantage has been taken of superior strength or position .... [Fowler]
As a surname (attested from 1255) it represents Old English cuhyrde "cow-herd." Farmer has coward's castle "a pulpit," "Because a clergyman may deliver himself therefrom without fear of contradiction or argument."
1. She shot to stardom on Broadway in a Noel Coward play.
2. He's a coward and a bully who confuses physical strength with manhood.
3. "You're a coward," Mark said very plainly and soberly.
4. I don't want to see you ever again, you coward! "
我再不要看见你这个Coward! ”
5. She was a rotten coward.


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