
英 [ˈkəʊ.tər.i]      美 [ˈkoʊ.t̬ɚ.i]
  • n. 圈内人;小集团;伙伴;同志
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1. cottage => cote, cot "hut, cottage" => coterie "tenant of a cote".
2. 同一个屋檐下的佃农,即隶属于同一个地主的佃农。
3. Coterie Magazine 同人杂志; coterie publication 同人刊物; Tanbi Coterie 耽美同人.
coterie 小集团

来自cot, 村舍。原指小村里的村民组织,通常具有排外性。

coterie: [18] In Old French, coterie was a term for an association of peasant tenants under the feudal system. It was probably derived from an unrecorded *cote ‘hut’. This would have been borrowed from Middle Low German kote, a relative of English cote and cot. In French the word gradually broadened out in meaning to ‘group of people sharing a common interest’, the sense in which English borrowed it in the mid- 18th century.
coterie (n.)
1738, from French coterie "circle of acquaintances," originally in Middle French an organization of peasants holding land from a feudal lord (14c.), from cotier "tenant of a cote" (see cottage).
1. The songs he recorded were written by a small coterie of dedicated writers.
2. The verses were copied out , handed about , sneered at, admired, passed from coterie to coterie.
这些诗, 有人抄录,有人传阅, 有人鄙夷, 也有人赞美, 从一伙人传到另一伙人.
3. Sunge entrusted a special coterie with disposing his property.
4. It is in light of insurance coterie, it is really a little.
在保险圈内人来看, 的确是有点儿.
5. The name is known to only a small coterie of collectors.



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