
英 [kɒn]      美 [kɑːn]
  • n. 反对票;反对论
  • vt. 精读;默记
  • adv. 反面地
  • adj. 欺诈的
  • prep. 以…
  • n. (Con)人名;(捷)措恩;(英)康 (教名Constance的昵称)
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con 骗局

来自短语confidence man的缩写,反讽,被信任的人欺骗。

con (n.1)
"negation" (mainly in pro and con), 1570s, short for Latin contra "against" (see contra).
con (n.2)
"study," early 15c., from Old English cunnan "to know, know how" (see can (v.1)).
con (adj.)
"swindling," 1889, American English, from confidence man (1849), from the many scams in which the victim is induced to hand over money as a token of confidence. Confidence with a sense of "assurance based on insufficient grounds" dates from 1590s.
con (n.3)
a slang or colloquial shortening of various nouns beginning in con-, such as, from the 19th century, confidant, conundrum, conformist, convict, contract, and from the 20th century, conductor, conservative.
con (v.1)
"to guide ships," 1620s, from French conduire "to conduct, lead, guide" (10c.), from Latin conducere (see conduce). Related: Conned; conning.
con (v.2)
"to swindle," 1896, from con (adj.). Related: Conned; conning.
1. Well, so much for the producers. But what of the con-sumers?
2. Slimming snacks that offer miraculous weight loss are a con.
3. She travels con-stantly, moving among her several residences around the world.
4. He was lost in the con-templation of the landscape for a while.
5. The bus is a 45-seater with air-con and videos.


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