
英 [klɒɡ]      美 [klɑːɡ]
  • v. 阻塞;障碍
  • n. 障碍;木底鞋
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1. c (谐音“搁(四川发音:ke)”) + log "木头" =》把木头搁在路中间 =》 堵塞 。
clog 木屐,堵塞


clog (n.)
early 14c., clogge "a lump of wood," origin unknown. Also used in Middle English of large pieces of jewelry and large testicles. Compare Norwegian klugu "knotty log of wood." Meaning "anything that impedes action" is from 1520s. The sense of "wooden-soled shoe" is first recorded late 14c.; they were used as overshoes until the introduction of rubbers c. 1840. Originally all wood (hence the name), later wooden soles with leather uppers for the front of the foot only. Later revived in fashion (c. 1970), primarily for women. Clog-dancing is attested from 1863.
clog (v.)
late 14c., "hinder," originally by fastening a block of wood to something, from clog (n.). Meaning "choke up with extraneous matter" is 17c. Related: Clogged; clogging.
1. The result is that the lungs clog up with a thick mucus.
2. The soids would clog sewers, cause interference in subsequent treatment processes.
这些固体物将堵塞管渠, 影响后续处理.
3. A clog or fetter on the equity of redemption is void.
4. Sludge can also clog oil passages and prevent normal engine lubrication.
5. In cotton and wool processing, short length fibers may clog sewers.
在棉毛生产中, 短纤维可能堵塞下水管道.


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