
英 [sɪŋk]      美 [sɪŋk]
  • n. 五;五点
  • n. (Cinque)人名;(法)桑克;(意)钦奎
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cinque (n.)
used for "five" in English in some situations, especially at cards or dice, late 14c., from French cinq, dissimilated from Latin quinque "five," in Late Latin also cinque (see five).
1. We passed by this hut on the back of the Cinque Torre.
2. Cinque Terre, Riviera is a very popular tourist city in Italy.
3. Cinque : The number five in cards or dice.
五点: 纸牌或骰子中的数字五.
4. Torna in campo dopo cinque mesi e si vede: in difesa porta grande ordine.
SIVIGLIA6, 5: 五个月后重返球场,有他在,后防表现得很自信.
5. A last view of the Cinque Torre, and we went down with the cable - car again.
最后再看看五塔山吧, 随后我们再次搭乘缆车下山.


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