
英 [ˈkeɪ.tər]      美 [ˈkeɪ.t̬ɚ]
  • vt. 投合,迎合;满足需要;提供饮食及服务
  • n. (Cater)人名;(英)凯特
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1. catch => cater => "catch one's need or desire".
2. 谐音“给他”。
3. cate 谐音“啃它” => cater.
4. cat猫,er拼:耳。猫耳朵是一种北京小吃,但是迎合了很多人的胃口。
5. => "provide food for"
cater 承办宴席

词源同catch, 指抓,拿,购买。后词义指招待,承办宴席。

cater: [16] Cater is related to French acheter ‘buy’, and originally meant ‘buy provisions’. It comes ultimately from Vulgar Latin *accaptāre, a compound verb formed from the Latin prefix ad- ‘to’ and the verb captāre ‘try to seize’ (source of English catch and chase). This provided the basis for the Anglo-Norman agent noun acatour ‘buyer, purveyor’, which gave English the now obsolete acater.

Losing its a-, this became cater, which until the early 17th century was the word for what we would now call a ‘caterer’. At around the same time cater began to be used as a verb; the first known example of this is in Shakespeare’s As You Like It II, iii: ‘He that doth the ravens feed, yea providently caters for the sparrow’.

=> capture, catch, chase
cater (v.)
"provide food for," c. 1600, from Middle English catour (n.) "buyer of provisions" (c. 1400; late 13c. as a surname), a shortening of Anglo-French achatour "buyer" (Old North French acatour, Old French achatour, 13c., Modern French acheteur), from Old French achater "to buy," originally "to buy provisions," perhaps from Vulgar Latin *accaptare, from Latin ad- "to" + captare "to take, hold," frequentative of capere "to take" (see capable).

Or else from Vulgar Latin *accapitare "to add to one's capital," with second element from verbal stem of Latin caput (genitive capitis); see capital (adj.). Figuratively from 1650s. Related: Catered; catering.
1. The chef is pleased to cater for vegetarian diets.
2. Nunsmere Hall can cater for receptions of up to 300 people.
3. They maintain a database of hotels that cater for businesswomen.
4. Does the school cater for all abilities?
5. Does he cater parties too?



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