
英 [bruːd]      美 [bruːd]
  • vt. 孵;沉思
  • n. 一窝;一伙
  • n. (Brood)人名;(瑞典)布罗德
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brood                 同窝幼鸟“同窝的幼鸟是一块哺乳的”
2. breed => brood: 区别:字母o就像一个一个的蛋,所以它是通过孵化来繁殖、繁育的。
3. literally "that which is hatched by heat".
4. The figurative meaning ("to incubate in the mind").
5. braise, burn, breed => brood.
brood 忧虑

来自breed, 繁殖,孵化。原指母鸡孵蛋过程中的暴躁症状,后指忧虑。

brood: [OE] Like breed, brood came from a prehistoric Germanic base *brōd-, whose ultimate source was Indo-European *bhrē- ‘burn, heat’ (its other English descendants include braise, breath, and probably brawn). The underlying notion of brood is thus not so much ‘reproduction’ as ‘incubation, the warmth that promotes hatching’. The verbal sense ‘worry’ developed in the 18th century.
=> braise, brawn, breath, breed
brood (n.)
Old English brod "brood, fetus, hatchling," from Proto-Germanic *brod (cognates: Middle Dutch broet, Old High German bruot, German Brut "brood"), literally "that which is hatched by heat," from *bro- "to warm, heat," from PIE *bhre- "burn, heat, incubate," from root *bhreue- "to boil, bubble, effervesce, burn" (see brew (v.)).
brood (v.)
"sit on eggs, hatch," mid-15c., from brood (n.). The figurative meaning ("to incubate in the mind") is first recorded 1570s, from notion of "nursing" one's anger, resentment, etc. Related: Brooded; brooding.
1. I continued to brood. Would he always be like this?
2. The hen brought off a brood of young.
3. There's Mrs. Brien taking her brood for a walk.
4. It is time for hens to brood.
5. Speak out. Don't just brood over things.
你有什么事就说吧, 别圈在心里.


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