
英 [ˈblaɪnd.fəʊld]      美 [ˈblaɪnd.foʊld]
  • vt. 蒙住…的眼睛;挡住…的视线;使…模糊不清
  • adj. 轻率的,盲目的;看不清的;被蒙住眼睛的
  • n. 障眼物,眼罩
  • adv. 盲目地;鲁莽地,轻率地
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blindfold 蒙住眼睛,眼罩

改写自古英语blindfellen。blind, 瞎。fell, 砍伐,击倒。原指打瞎,后改成fold, 折叠,指眼罩。

blindfold: [16] The original term for covering someone’s eyes with a bandage was blindfell [OE], which survived until the 16th century. This meant literally ‘strike someone blind’, the second element being the fell of ‘felling trees’. It appears that its past form, blindfelled, came to be mistaken for a present form, and this, together with some perceived connection with fold (presumably the ‘folding’ of the bandage round somebody’s head), conspired to produce the new verb blindfold.
blindfold (v.)
1520s, alteration, by similarity to fold, of blindfelled (early 14c.), past participle of blindfellan "blindfold, cover the eyes (with a bandage, etc.)," also "to strike blind" (c. 1200), from Old English (ge)blindfellian "to strike blind," from blind (adj.) + Anglian gefeollan "to strike down," as in to fell a tree (see fell (v.)). Related: Blindfolded; blindfolding.
blindfold (n.)
1880, from blindfold (v.).
1. The prisoner wore a blindfold when he was executed.
2. The Australian chess grandmaster Ian Rogers took on six opponents blindfold and beat five.
3. He read the letter again although already he could have recited its contents blindfold.
4. I could do that blindfold , ie easily , regardless of obstacles.
我蒙着眼也能做(不费吹灰之力, 无视任何障碍).
5. They put a blindfold on a horse.


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