
英 [blend]      美 [blend]
  • vt. 混合
  • vi. 混合;协调
  • n. 混合;掺合物
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1. 见到了b 想成不是,不在东边(beast)成野兽,因为不老(bold)才大胆,初生牛犊不怕虎(卤莽),不是最后(bend)不屈服,不借(blend)给你混在一起,瘸子没错(blame),就怪你。
2. 如果不借的话,就跟他胡搅蛮缠、缠住他,就像跟他混在一起一样。
blend 混合

来自PIE *bhel, 照耀,闪光。指闪光,炫目,障眼法,混合。词源同blank, 白的。

blend: [13] Old English had a verb blendan, but it meant ‘make blind’ or ‘dazzle’. Modern English blend appears to come from blend-, the present stem of Old Norse blanda ‘mix’ (a relative of Old English blandan ‘mix’). The ultimate source of this is not clear, but it does not seem to be restricted to Germanic (Lithuanian has the adjective blandus ‘thick’ in relation to soup), so it may not be too far-fetched to suggest a link with blind, whose Indo-European ancestor *bhlendhos meant among other things ‘confused’.
blend (v.)
c. 1300, blenden, "to mix, mingle, stir up a liquid," in northern writers, from or akin to rare Old English blandan "to mix," blondan (Mercian) or Old Norse blanda "to mix," or a combination of the two; from Proto-Germanic *blandan "to mix," which comes via a notion of "to make cloudy" from an extended Germanic form of the PIE root *bhel- (1) "to shine, flash, burn" (see bleach (v.); also blind (adj.)). Compare Old Saxon and Old High German blantan, Gothic blandan, Middle High German blenden "to mix;" German Blendling "bastard, mongrel," and outside Germanic, Lithuanian blandus "troubled, turbid, thick;" Old Church Slavonic blesti "to go astray." Figurative use from early 14c. Related: Blended; blending.
blend (n.)
"mixture formed by blending," 1690s, from blend (v.).
1. Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy.
2. It must have reinforced my determination to blend into my surroundings.
3. The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions.
4. Blend in the lemon extract, lemon peel and walnuts.
5. Blend a little milk with the custard powder to form a paste.


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