
英 [ˈblem.ɪʃ]      美 [ˈblem.ɪʃ]
  • n. 瑕疵;污点;缺点
  • vt. 玷污;损害;弄脏
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【记】blame 责备的是缺点;problem 问题 缺点的后半部
1. blemish――读:布莱迷失,英国首相布莱尔丢了,这是皇室的耻辱,这个单词是污点、玷污
2. BB霜(化妆用品): BB 霜,是Blemish Balm的简称,作用主要是遮瑕、调整肤色、防晒、细致毛孔,能打造出Nude Look(裸妆效果)的感觉。
3. problem => blemish.
blemish 斑点

词源同bleach, 漂白,白斑,或其它斑点。

blemish (v.)
early 14c., "to hurt, damage," from Old French blemiss- "to turn pale," extended stem of blemir, blesmir "to make pale; stain, discolor," also "to injure" (13c., Modern French blêmir), probably from Frankish *blesmjan "to cause to turn pale," or some other Germanic source, from Proto-Germanic *blas "shining, white," from PIE root *bhel- (1) "to shine, flash, burn" (see bleach (v.)).

The order of appearance of senses in Middle English is "hurt, damage;" "impair morally, sully" (late 14c.); "mar, spoil, injure" (early 15c.); "to mar the beauty or soundness of" (mid-15c.). Related: Blemished; blemishing.
blemish (n.)
1520s, from blemish (v.).
1. This is the one blemish on an otherwise resounding success.
2. A mole is a blemish on a person's skin.
3. He was pilloried, but she escaped without blemish.
他受到公众的批评, 她却名声未损地得以逃脱.
4. There wasn't a blemish on his body.
5. One bad deed can blemish a good reputation.


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