
英 [beɪt]      美 [beɪt]
  • vt. 使软化;减少;缓和
  • n. 柔皮剂
  • vi. 减弱;衰落
  • n. (Bate)人名;(英)贝特;(塞、葡)巴特
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bate (v.1)
"to reduce, to lessen in intensity," c. 1300, shortening of abate (q.v.). Now only in phrase bated breath, which was used by Shakespeare in "The Merchant of Venice" (1596).
bate (v.2)
c. 1300, "to contend with blows or arguments," from Old French batre "to hit, beat, strike," from Late Latin battere, from Latin batuere "to beat, knock" (see batter (v.)). In falconry, "to beat the wings impatiently and flutter away from the perch." Figurative sense of "to flutter downward" attested from 1580s.
1. Mr Harris and Mrs Bate and three other teachers were there.
2. The cruel landlord would bate him no rent.
3. Even great scholars like Wang Xianqian and Liang Qichao could not stop the de bate.
4. Until it was time to open the presents, the children had to bate their curiosity.
孩子们只好抑制住他们的好奇心, 等待着打开礼物的时刻的到来.
5. Director bate, change policeman of a sector of an area questioningly.
局长大怒, 质问改地段交警.


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