
英 [əˈsaɪ.ləm]      美 [əˈsaɪ.ləm]
  • n. 庇护;收容所,救济院
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asylum 避难所

前缀a-, 不,非。-syl, 同词根sal, 跳,攻击,见assail. 指宗教圣殿,避难所。

asylum: [15] Greek sulon meant ‘right of seizure’. With the addition of the negative prefix a- ‘not’ this was turned into the adjective ásūlos ‘inviolable’, which in turn was nominalized as āsūlon ‘refuge’. When it first entered English, via Latin asylum, it was used specifically for ‘place of sanctuary for hunted criminals and others’ (a meaning reflected in modern English ‘political asylum’), and it was not until the mid 18th century that it came to be applied to mental hospitals.
asylum (n.)
early 15c., earlier asile (late 14c.), from Latin asylum "sanctuary," from Greek asylon "refuge," noun use of neuter of asylos "inviolable, safe from violence," especially of persons seeking protection, from a- "without" + syle "right of seizure." So literally "an inviolable place." General sense of "safe or secure place" is from 1640s; meaning "benevolent institution to shelter some class of persons" is from 1776.
1. Fewer than 7% of asylum seekers are accepted as political refugees.
2. He applied for asylum in 1987 after fleeing the police back home.
3. France had agreed to his request for political asylum.
4. The government divides asylum-seekers into economic migrants and genuine refugees.
5. Mendoza is here pending his request for political asylum.


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