
英 [əˈraɪz]      美 [əˈraɪz]
  • vi. 出现;上升;起立
  • n. (Arise)人名;(西)阿里塞;(日)在濑(姓)
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1. 每天9 个太阳同时出现。
arise 升起

古英语前缀a-, 来自PIE*uz, 向上,向外,词源同out. 单词rise, 升起。

arise: [OE] Arise is a compound verb with cognate forms in many other Germanic languages (Gothic, for instance, had urreisan). The prefix a- originally meant ‘away, out’, and hence was used as an intensive; rise comes from an unidentified Germanic source which some etymologists have connected with Latin rīvus ‘stream’ (source of English rivulet), on the basis of the notion of a stream ‘rising’ from a particular source.

The compound arise was in fact far commoner than the simple form rise in the Old English period, and it was only in early Middle English that rise began to take its place. This happened first in northern dialects, and may have been precipitated by Old Norse rísa. Today, it is only in the sense ‘come into existence’ that arise is commoner.

=> raise, rear, rise, rivulet
arise (v.)
Old English arisan "to get up, rise; spring from, originate; spring up, ascend" (cognate with Old Saxon arisan, Gothic urreisan), from a- (1) "of" + rise (v.). Mostly replaced by rise except in reference to circumstances. Related: Arising; arose; arisen.
1. Whatever troubles arise, we'll have peace of mind amidst seeming chaos.
2. The charges arise out of a long-running fraud enquiry by Merseyside police.
3. The board acknowledges problems which arise from the newness of the approach.
4. One complication which can arise is a prolapse.
5. Arise, Sir William.


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