
英 [ˈkrɒk.ə.daɪl]      美 [ˈkrɑː.kə.daɪl]
  • n. 鳄鱼
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crocodile 口若口袋(嘴张开来像口袋)

2. 卡骆驰 (Crocs) ,英文名就是鳄鱼 (crocodile) 的昵称,别小看了这条“小鳄鱼”——如今,卡骆驰 (Crocs) 在欧美已经造成了一股强劲的小鳄鱼大时尚!

3. crocs(卡骆驰)是一家总部位于美国科罗拉多州的鞋履设计、生产及零售商,以crocs品牌于市场上推出男装、女装及童装的舒适鞋款。创立于2002年,crocs鞋子最初的产品市场定位是帆船运动和户外运动者,后来因为它穿着舒适而受到不同消费者的青睐。
crocodile 鳄鱼

来自希腊文kroke, 鹅卵石,词源同sugar, 石粒,糖粒,drilos, 虫。

crocodile: [13] The crocodile gets its name from its habit of basking in the sun on sandbanks or on the shores of rivers. The word means literally ‘pebble-worm’, and it was coined in Greek from the nouns krókē ‘pebbles’ and drilos ‘worm’. The resulting Greek compound *krokódrīlos has never actually been found, for it lost its second r, giving krokódīlos, and this r reappeared and disappeared capriciously during the word’s journey through Latin and Old French to English. Middle English had it – the 13th century form was cokodrille – but in the 16th century the modern r-less form took over, based on Latin crocodīlus.
crocodile (n.)
1560s, restored spelling of Middle English cokedrille, kokedrille (c. 1300), from Medieval Latin cocodrillus, from Latin crocodilus, from Greek krokodilos, word applied by Herodotus to the crocodile of the Nile, apparently due to its basking habits, from kroke "pebbles" + drilos "worm." The crocodile tears story was in English from at least c. 1400.
1. The sight of George shedding crocodile tears made me sick.
2. That was real crocodile skin.
3. Use the crocodile clips to attach the cables to the battery.
4. The antelope could not escape the crocodile's gaping jaws.
5. The crocodile killed its prey by keeping it under and drowning it.


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