
英 [klæm]      美 [klæm]
  • vi. 捞蛤;保持沉默,闭嘴不言
  • n. 蛤;沉默寡言的人;钳子
  • n. (Clam)人名;(德、西)克拉姆;(法)克朗
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1. “蛤蜊”本身很像该词的近似音译。青岛人将其念着“gala”,据说源于四本当年殖民统治时日语发音的影响,而日语发音就是该英语单词发音的近似音译。
2. 谐音“壳耐磨”----想到这个谐音就直到它是贝壳类动物---蛤蜊外部有两片坚硬的贝壳,当然很耐磨了。
3. clamp => clam.
clam 蛤蜊


clam: [OE] Old English clam meant ‘something for tying up or fastening, fetter’; it can be traced back to a prehistoric Germanic base *klam-, which also produced clamp [14] and is related to climb. There is a gap in the word’s history in early Middle English times, but it reappears at the end of the 14th century in the sense ‘clamp’, and in the 16th century it was applied, originally in Scotland, to the mollusc which now bears the name, apparently on the grounds that its two shells close like the jaws of a clamp or vice.
=> clamp, climb
clam (n.)
bivalve mollusk, c. 1500, in clam-shell, originally Scottish, apparently a particular use from Middle English clam "pincers, vice, clamp" (late 14c.), from Old English clamm "bond, fetter, grip, grasp," from Proto-Germanic *klam- "to press or squeeze together" (cognates: Old High German klamma "cramp, fetter, constriction," German Klamm "a constriction"). If this is right then the original reference is to the shell. Clam-chowder attested from 1822. To be happy as a clam is from 1833, but the earliest uses do not elaborate on the notion behind it, unless it be self-containment.
clam (v.)
"to dig for clams," 1630s, American English, from clam (n.). Clam up "be quiet" is 1916, American English, but clam was used in this sense as an interjection mid-14c.
1. The barnacle and the clam are two examples of filter feeders.
2. It'started off well, but he seemed to clam up towards the end.
刚开始很, 但是最后他似乎有些沉默.
3. The movie star is a clam about her age.
4. Everybody shuts up like a clam as soon as you mention it.
5. He is now as happy as a clam.



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