
英 [əˈsper.ə.ti]      美 [əˈsper.ə.t̬i]
  • n. (表面的)粗糙;(气候等的)严酷;艰苦的条件;(性格)粗暴
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1. asper- => a- "not" + sper- "hope" => 没有希望的、没有前途的 =》这些人都是底层的、地位低下的人 =》他们基本上都是没有什么修养的、比较粗鲁的人 =》rough, harsh.
2. asper- (谐音“碍事宝儿”)------做事情粗手粗脚的人------碍事的人、没用的人------他们基本上都是没有什么修养的、比较粗鲁的人 =》rough, harsh.
3. asper- (谐音“爱生暴,爱施暴,爱生暴儿”)------爱、喜欢生硬、粗暴。
4. 谐音“爱生暴累他,哀生暴累他,哀事暴累他,爱施暴累他,爱生暴儿累他”------喜欢用生硬、粗暴的态度来拖累他。
asperity 粗暴

前缀a-同ad-. 拉丁语asper, 粗鲁,粗暴,同exasperate, 粗暴对待,激怒。

asperity (n.)
c. 1200, asprete "hardship, harshness of feelings," a figurative use, from Old French asperité "difficulty, painful situation, harsh treatment" (12c., Modern French âpreté), from Latin asperitatem (nominative asperitas) "roughness," from asper "rough, harsh," which is of unknown origin; in Latin used also of sour wine, bad weather, and hard times. Figurative meaning "harshness of feeling" in English is attested from early 15c.
1. "I told you Preskel had no idea," remarked Kemp with some asperity.
2. He spoke to the boy with asperity.
3. Mrs Tremaine, wrought up, could resist an unusual asperity.
屈里曼太太被惹上气来, 忍不住尖锐地顶她一句.
4. Thicker films assure fewer asperity contacts and less wear.


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