
英 [əˈduː]      美 [əˈduː]
  • n. 忙乱,纷扰,麻烦
  • n. (Ado)人名;(法、俄、德、乌干)阿多;(阿拉伯)阿杜;(英)阿多(教名Adolphus的昵称)
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1. without ado 少废话.
2. that's enough barking 别废话了.
3. bark 是狗叫的声音.
ado 忙乱

来自短语at do, 许多事要做,忙。at 词源同前缀ad-。

ado: [14] In origin, ado (like affair) means literally ‘to do’. This use of the preposition at (ado = at do) is a direct borrowing from Old Norse, where it was used before the infinitive of verbs, where English would use to. Ado persisted in this literal sense in northern English dialects, where Old Norse influence was strong, well into the 19th century, but by the late 16th century it was already a noun with the connotations of ‘activity’ or ‘fuss’ which have preserved it (alongside the indigenous to-do) in modern English.
=> do
ado (n.)
late 14c., "conflict, fighting; difficulty, trouble," compounded from at do, dialectal in Norse influenced areas of England for to do, as some Scandinavian languages used at with infinitive of a verb where Modern English uses to. For sense development, compare to-do. Meaning "fuss" is from early 15c. Also used in Middle English for "dealings, traffic," and "sexual intercourse" (both c. 1400).
1. "And now, without further ado, let me introduce our benefactor."
2. So, without more ado, let me introduce tonight's guests.
所以, 我就不再啰嗦了, 还是介绍一下今晚的客人吧.
3. My sister always makes much ado about nothing.
4. General data access engine as an extension of ADO. NET.
这是个通用数据访问引擎,是对ADO. NET的扩展.
5. ADO connection automatically updated when publishing to remote server.



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